Photo of Cthulu

Pratul Patwari

Cell: 617-751-8625


Georgia Institute of Technology

Major: Analytics (2023)

University of Massachusetts Boston

Major: Computer Science (2015)



Java 11, Spring Boot, Oracle 12c, PostgreSql, Maven

Cloud Services (AWS)

Cognito, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, CloudFront, SQS, IAM, RDS


Morgan Stanley Software Engineer - Alpharetta, GA - 2021-Current

  • Develop search-engine microservice using Spring boot, Apache Solr and Sybase Databse
  • Develop microservices using Spring Webflux, Spring Cloud, Kafka and Apigee gateway
  • Setup CI/CD using Bitbucket and TeamCity

MiRus LLC Sr. Software Engineer - Marietta, GA - 2018-2021

  • Develop a HIPAA complaint web application to share patient’s activity data from the mobile application
  • Develop services like notification, messaging, reporting, 3rd party api integration (Fitbit)
  • Setup CI/CD using Bitbucket pipeline and integrate code coverage service like SonarQube

The Northern Trust Associate Consultant - Chicago, IL - 2015-2017

  • Develop money movement transactions like ACH, Wires, transfers using Spring Boot, Oracle 11g
  • Develop search components using Apache Solr, which includes custom search handler, data load, and purge
  • Develop stored procedures to implement business logic for Banking reports
Snorkeling, Driving, Soccer
Available on request